

French Language Testing for admission purposes to McGill offered by McGill's School of Continuing Studies.

Test results are used to evaluate a test candidate’s current level of French language proficiency and results may also be provided to Faculty or Administrative Services at McGill. 

Note that test candidates may only take the test once per year, and results are only valid for 6 months.

Please note that all fees are non-refundable. Before submitting your registration, please double check your choices, as the test date and component selection is fixed and final. 

Registration must be completed online. 

Test candidates will have to register and pay for two sections (one of each of the following)
1. French Placement Test (online)
2. Evaluation of Oral Competence in French

While students are not required to register for any subsequent School of Continuing Studies' language courses, they are welcome to do so should they wish to improve their level of French.

Topics Covered

French Placement Test online
The test takes 1 hour and 35 min to complete and consists of four sections: Listening Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension.

Evaluation of Oral Competence in French
The live Evaluation of Oral Competence in French is offered remotely (face-to-face via ZOOM) 
This evaluation will consist of two parts and will last about 15 -20 minutes per candidate.
1. A 3 to 4 minute guided interview (without preparation)
2. Present and defend a point of view (2 minutes preparation and 7 to 8 minutes presentation)

Learning Outcomes

Your test result will be ready 10 business days following the end of the placement test period. Follow instructions provided in the receipt note on how to retrieve your test result.

Who Should Attend?

This placement test is reserved for McGill University's Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences students precisely for applicants for admission to the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy.
Section(s) offered
Section Title
French Placement Test for Admission to McGill
Language of Delivery
Placement Test
Mar 11, 2025 to Mar 13, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $45.68
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Withdrawal Request Deadline
No withdrawal request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes

Please note that your activity has a Learning Management System (LMS) component attached to it. The placement test is offered online and kindly note that you will have access to the online content within 24 hours following your registration.

You have up to 90 minutes to complete the online placement test. The placement test must be completed by March 13, noon, 2025.

To access to the online placement test, we invite you to:

- Log in to your ATHENA account (https://continuingstudies.mcgill.ca/portal/logon.do?method=load)

- Enter your ATHENA credentials

- Select the menu option “Access LMS” which can be found on the bottom left side of the navigation bar to access the placement test.


Please use Google Chrome or Firefox as web browsers.

You will need a computer or a laptop with stable internet connection, a headset with a built-in microphone, and be in a quiet room away from distractions. The test cannot be completed on a tablet or phone! This is a placement test that must be taken individually with no assistance and no use of resource materials (e.g. dictionaries, Internet).


Your test result will be ready within 10 business days following the completion of your placement test.

To retrieve your results:

1. Click here and log in to your ATHENA Student account
2. On the left-hand menu, click “my Registration History”
3. Click “Completed”
4. Click “print” for the “English Placement Test”
5. In the drop-down menu, select “Statement of grade”

If you encounter any technical difficulty during the test, please contact technical support at: 514 398-2216 or 1 844 398-2216 option 1.

Section Title
French Placement Test for Admission to McGill
Language of Delivery
Placement Test
Mar 25, 2025 to Mar 27, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $45.68
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Withdrawal Request Deadline
No withdrawal request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes

Please note that your activity has a Learning Management System (LMS) component attached to it. The placement test is offered online and kindly note that you will have access to the online content within 24 hours following your registration.

You have up to 90 minutes to complete the online placement test. The placement test must be completed by March 27, noon, 2025.

To access to the online placement test, we invite you to:

- Log in to your ATHENA account (https://continuingstudies.mcgill.ca/portal/logon.do?method=load)

- Enter your ATHENA credentials

- Select the menu option “Access LMS” which can be found on the bottom left side of the navigation bar to access the placement test.


Please use Google Chrome or Firefox as web browsers.

You will need a computer or a laptop with stable internet connection, a headset with a built-in microphone, and be in a quiet room away from distractions. The test cannot be completed on a tablet or phone! This is a placement test that must be taken individually with no assistance and no use of resource materials (e.g. dictionaries, Internet).


Your test result will be ready within 10 business days following the completion of your placement test.

To retrieve your results:

1. Click here and log in to your ATHENA Student account
2. On the left-hand menu, click “my Registration History”
3. Click “Completed”
4. Click “print” for the “English Placement Test”
5. In the drop-down menu, select “Statement of grade”

If you encounter any technical difficulty during the test, please contact technical support at: 514 398-2216 or 1 844 398-2216 option 1.

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