

Official Description

4.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Introduction to the common elements of writing and publishing in English-language scientific journals. Key strategies for developing a productive vocabulary to express complex ideas; organizing scientific research papers with an emphasis on logical structure and flow; identifying and eliminating common grammatical errors to improve clarity and concision.


Supplementary Information

7 weeks: 5.7 hours of instruction and assignments per week. 40 hours total.

Topics Covered

This course will help you to structure your research writing more effectively while responding to the content and style demands of a unique academic journal that you will target for article submission. The course involves regular writing practice and revision based on self-assessment and feedback from the course tutor and peers.

  • Identifying a journal that fits with your research
  • Adapting writing for the targeted academic journal
  • Developing a "research story" to engage your readers
  • Identifying disciplinary conventions from scientific articles in your field
  • Drafting and revising scientific writing for language, clarity, and flow
  • Providing feedback to strengthen scientific writing

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants should be able to do the following:

  • Analyze scientific articles from your field to identify disciplinary conventions and effective writing strategies
  • Draft writing that conforms to author guidelines from a targeted academic journal
  • Adapt writing according to the perceived knowledge level, values, and typical interests of the readership
  • Develop an overarching “storyline” in a research article to engage the curiosity of readers and improve text coherence
  • Express complex scientific ideas in English by expanding knowledge of English grammar and style
  • Revise and edit to improve clarity and flow at the document, paragraph, and sentence level
  • Develop strategies for working collaboratively and providing/using peer feedback


Technical Requirements

Prior to registering for the course, we encourage you to verify that your computer is compatible with our learning management system by clicking here.

This online course is optimized for the following configurations:

  •     Windows 7 or higher, MAC OS X
  •     High-speed Internet connection (DSL or cable)
  •     Headsets with microphone (USB recommended)
  •     Webcam
  •     Latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, or Safari (use any browser except for Internet Explorer)
  •     Microsoft Office Word or compatible.

Who Should Attend?

This course is intended for graduate students and early career researchers in the sciences who are affiliated with an institution of higher learning or a research institute. 

If these circumstances do not apply to you, please complete a "Course Inquiry" request so that we can learn about your needs and determine whether this course is appropriate for you.

Section(s) offered
Section Title
Scientific Writing and Publishing: Graduate ESL
Language of Delivery
Oct 14, 2024 to Dec 02, 2024
Contact Hours
Delivery Format(s)
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $425.00 Click here to get more information
Drop Request Deadline
Oct 07, 2024
Transfer Request Deadline
Oct 07, 2024
Withdrawal Request Deadline
Oct 14, 2024 to Oct 25, 2024
Section Notes

Please refer to the course YCCM 600-022 CRN 447  in Banner when requesting information.

Please note that as part of the registration process, you will be asked to complete an Attestation.

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