

Passing the entrance examination is the very first step toward admission to the Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation. The examination consists of two parts: a written exam and an interview. Please read the following information carefully to prepare for both parts of the entrance examination.

Sequence of exam parts
The entrance examination consists of two mandatory parts: a written exam and an interview. The two parts must be done in the following sequence: written exam, followed by the interview. You will write the written exam first. In the weeks following the end of the written examination period, you will receive your result by email. Candidates who pass the written exam will be invited to an interview.

Description of the written exam
The first part of the entrance examination is a written exam, in English and in French. This is an online exam, to be taken at home, at your convenience (before the end of the examination period). The aim of the written exam is to validate your reading comprehension skills (English and French) and your advanced writing skills in your preferred language (English or French), as well as your ability to communicate in the other official language (English or French).

Accessing the written exam
The written exam is available online on the myCourses examination platform. After registering, you will receive an e-mail (with the subject McGill University School of Continuing Studies Registration Notification) with instructions on how to log in to Athena (student portal) and access the myCourses examination platform.

Communication of written exam results
A few weeks after the written exam, you will receive an email with your results (pass, fail, or incomplete).

Description of the interview
The second part of the entrance examination consists of a 30-minute informal interview (English and French). The aim is to validate your skills and experience.

Scheduling the interview
If you receive a pass on the written exam, the confirmation email will contain instructions and a link to schedule your interview.

Communication of interview results
A few weeks after the interview, you will receive an email with your final results (pass, fail, or incomplete).

Evaluation criteria
The aim of the examination process and interview is to ensure that candidates have an adequate level of written French and English to be able to succeed in the program.

Feedback in the event of a fail
We do not provide candidates with their exact score or corrected exam. However, general feedback can be provided, including areas for improvement, to help candidates succeed at their next attempt.

Next steps
Passing the exam is the first requirement for admission to the program, but it is not the only condition. You must submit an application. Once admitted, you will receive more information on how to register for courses and how to access course content on the myCourses platform. Until you are officially admitted, you may also register for courses as an independent student.

Please contact Marie-Hélène Girard, Professor and Academic Coordinator (marie-helene.girard2@mcgill.ca), or Bryan Jim, Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator (bryan.jim@mcgill.ca).

Section(s) offered
Section Title
Graduate Diploma in Legal Translation - Entrance Examination (English and French)
Language of Delivery
Mar 01, 2025 to Apr 11, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Entrance Exam Fee non-credit $31.51
Drop Request Deadline
Feb 22, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
Feb 22, 2025
Withdrawal Request Deadline
No withdrawal request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes

For this current examination period (Winter 2025), the result of the Entrance Examination will be valid for the Fall 2025 and Winter 2026 admission terms.

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